© 2012 Stefan Nussbaumer.
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag

Berlin, Berlin – are we already in 2012?

Really, I meant to write these lines much, much earlier. But I’m slow. Really slow. Only time passes by quickly…

2011 has been mixed. Not really what I hoped it would be. But anyway, it’s over and that’s good. I’ve got a new job. I’ve become a teacher, teaching 10-15 years old kids. That’s tough. There isn’t much to say about it. Not now.

Did I already mention it’s freezing cold everywhere in Europe? Just about the right time to visit a city full of artists, living in badly heated flats. Yes, I mean Berlin. This year’s Transmediale happened last week. Of course it’s been a big meet and greet as usual but it felt good after all. I didn’t spend too much time at this year’s festival as I could just attend the last 2 days. Though a few things caught my attention.


Goodiepal / Gæoudjiparl

Whoever he is and whatever his ideas are – his installation at Haus der Kulturen probably impressed me most of all. No computer-laboratory, no overload. A simple bazaar-like installation of all kinds of things (records books, images, stuff). One felt invited to look, to chat, to swap. A free flow of information and resources. A dream of open communication and exchange. I found a more detailed explanation on flickr.

For those who don’t know Goodiepal / Gæoudjiparl here’s an article that might help understanding Goodiepal a bit better

Labor Berlin

Network-hacking of a different kind. Operating systems as art pieces. Getting shifted in space. Where are we now?
Some insight to the weird world of network-hacking art: http://k0a1a.net

A presenation of the project by Danya and Julian on Tagr.tv


The phone rings. Is you calling me? Is it me calling you? Serious artpeople getting annoyed because people prefer to make phone calls in discussion panels. Seriously funny. By the “venture-communists” aka Telekommunisten.
Join the conversation: http://r15n.net

Aside from that I’ve tried to keep on working on my stuff. E.g. CVCenter.


Even though this has now been around for quite some time now I think I have improved CVCenter quite a bit in its recent form. If you’re interested in experimental sound and music production and you aren’t (too) scared programming you might give it a try. (Not that it makes music by itself but it should make working with SuperCollider a bit easier). Note: this is still all under development and surprising things may happen (let me know if you got surprised).

… and then

the party went on. Still cold outside. People loosing things as they loose their orientation in a big, cold, unknown city. Waiting. Drinking coffee and tea. Waiting for things to be returned. Leaving… too much to be remembered in all details. But winter goes on and on and on…

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