Classes (extension) | GUI | Conductor | External Control > MIDI | External Control > OSC

CVWidget : Object

The abstract superclass for all CVWidgets


CVWidget is the abstract superclass of all CVWidgets (CVWidgetKnob, CVWidget2D and CVWidgetMS). However, it implements a couple of useful methods that are common to all its subclasses.

Class Methods


CVWidget.removeResponders = value

A Boolean, indicating whether MIDI- and OSC-responders shall be removed upon hitting Cmd/Ctrl-period. If it is set to false unreferenced ghost-responders are left that may be hard to remove.


this (CVWidget)


CVWidget.debug = value

A Boolean, allowing (or disallowing) introspection of the internal working of a CVWidget. This is e.g. useful if the user wants to extend the widget's API. Whenever a the content of a model changes the corresponding controller gets triggered and executes its actions. So, if a message like

widget 'freq' (CVWidget2D) at slot 'lo' midiDisplay.model: `(( 'learn': L, 'src': source, 'chan': chan, 'ctrl': ctrl ))

gets posted, it means the midiDisplay.controller has just executed its actions using the model's values.

Also see Models and Controllers, internal bookkeeping and Extending the API.


this (CVWidget)


CVWidget.midiSources = value

An Event, containing all currently registered MIDIEndPoints and their correspondant numeric IDs. The IDs can be used to identify a device when creating a MIDI-responder though this is usually not necessary as the inbuilt learn functionality will take care of this automatically.


an Event


CVWidget.shortcuts = value

An IdentityDictionary containing all currently defined shortcuts for any CVWidget. Though this is a getter/setter it is recomended to add/remove shortcuts via the GUI within the preferences-interface (changes will become active after recompilation of the class-library) or the shortcuts-interface (changes become active immediatly but get reset after recompilation of the class-library).

NOTE: For added shortcuts to become active the user will have to call KeyDownActions: *setShortcuts on any currently existing CVWidget. This procedure will be handled automatically behind the scenes if a shortcut has been added via CVCenter's inbuilt shortcut-editor.

See KeyDownActions for more information about the internal structure of the shortcuts dictionary resp. the workings of shortcuts in general. Also have a look at the list of default shortcuts that can be modified by the user at any time.


Inherited class methods

Instance Methods


The current widget-setup, returned as an Event. If the widget is a CVWidget2D each key of the returned Event will be split in a \lo and a \hi value:

as set by -setMidiMode. default: 0
indicates whether OSC-calibration is active or not, set by -setCalibrate. default: true
indicates whether the ctrlButtonBank parameter, reflecting a MIDI-device's bank-layout is set. This can be set with -setCtrlButtonBank. default: nil
if a MIDI-device is set to in-/decremental mode reps. midiMode is set to 1 this will be the mean output-value. Can be set with -setMidiMean. default: 64
if midiMode is set to 1 the step-size of each slider is determined by this parameter. Can be set with -setMidiResolution. default: 1
if midiMode is set to 0 this determines the tolerance at which a MIDI-slider will respond when moved. For a more detailed explanation see -setSoftWithin. default: 0.1


an Event

.setMidiMode(mode, slot)

Different MIDI-devices may have different output modes: either values from 0-127 or an in-/decremental value (e.g. -1 or +1). These modes may be taken in account as follows:

0the device outputs a values 0-127
1the device outputs in-/decremental values



an Integer


only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


the receiver


Get the current midiMode (0 or 1).



only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


.setMidiMean(meanval, slot)

Devices which output a in-/decremental may output a standard value + in-/decrement. midiMean gets automatically subtracted from this value, so in-/decrement remains. Applies only if midiMode is set to 1.



an Integer. default: 64


only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


the receiver


Get the current midiMean value.



only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


.setSoftWithin(threshold, slot)

If midiMode has been set to 0 moving a widget-slider will set the CV to a new value. However, if a MIDI-slider is connected to that widget, moving the MIDI-slider will set the CV's value immediatly to the value that is stored in the MIDI-slider i.e. a "jump" will happen. softWithin will ease this behavior by setting the CV's value only if the slider gets within softWithin/2. A threshold =< 0 will deactivate snap-to. Applies only if midiMode is set to 0.



a Float - default: 0.1.


only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


the receiver


Get the current softWithin threshold.



only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


.setCtrlButtonBank(numSliders, slot)

Some MIDI-devices provide several banks of sliders. I.e. a device may be equipped with 16 sliders and 4 banks that can be switched. So, slider 1 in bank 2 is slider nr. 17, slider 3 in bank 3 is slider nr. 35. By default these sliders would have to be addressed in a CCResponder as 16 (slider 17) and 34 (slider 35) which makes it hard to immediately get the right slider from what is displayed within the GUI. ctrlButtonBank translates the hardware-layout in a way that makes it easy to see the slider's bank and number: slider 17 becomes 2:1 (bank 2, nr. 1).



an Integer, representing the number of sliders in one bank.


only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


the receiver


Get the current ctrlButtonBank value



only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


an Integer, representing the number of sliders in one bank.

.setMidiResolution(resolution, slot)

If midiMode has been set to 1 (by calling -setMidiMode), this method allows to set the resolution (= stepsize) of the connected hardware MIDI-sliders.



a Float, representing the stepsize:

lower values -> higher resolution

higher values -> lower resolution

default: 1


only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


the receiver


Get the current value midiResolution value.



only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


.setCalibrate(bool, slot)

Unlike MIDI the range of incoming OSC-values isn't 0-127 - it is unknown at the time of initialization of the OSC-responder. All CVWidgets have an inbuilt calibration mechanism that determines the range automatically. At initialization the range is set to [0.0001, 0.0001]. If the mechanism detects a value that is lower or higher than the values set at initialization it will set the constraints accordingly. This method allows to stop or start the calibration-process.



a Boolean, indicating whether the calibration-process shall be started or stopped.


only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


the receiver


Get the current calibration-status



only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


.setSpec(spec, slot)

Every CVWidget wraps one or more CVs whose internal spec can be set with this method.



can either be:

  • a ControlSpec
  • an Array that can be converted to a valid ControlSpec by calling asSpec on it
  • a Symbol representing the name of a valid ControlSpec (e.g. \freq)

only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D - either \lo or \hi


the receiver


Get the current spec of the widget's CV.



only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D - either \lo or \hi


.setOscMapping(mapping, slot)

Within an OSCresponder's function values coming in are being mapped to the ControlSpec's range, defined by its minval and maxval. Furthermore a spec may implement a non-linear warp for the transition from minval to maxval. Especially when work with accelerometers and orientation-sensors setting oscMapping to some non-linear mode will allow a much more fine-grained control.



a Symbol - can be:

  • \linlin - linear to linear mapping
  • \linexp - linear to exponential mapping
  • \explin - exponential to linear mapping
  • \expexp - exponential to exponential mapping

only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


the receiver


Get the current oscMapping-mode



only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


a Symbol, indicating the oscMapping-mode

.oscConnect(ip, port, name, oscMsgIndex: 1, slot)

Connect a widget to an OSC-device resp. a program that sends OSC-messages to SuperCollider



optional - if set the OSCresponder will only listen to messages coming from that IP-address.


optional - if set the OSCresponder will only listen to messages coming from that port.


a String or a Symbol\: The OSC-command-name to which the OSCresponder will listen. E.g. '/touch/x' or '/accelerometer/x'. Every widget has an inbuilt mechanism that allows the user to scan connected devices for possible command-names. This mechanism is implemented in the class OSCCommands which may not only be used in connection with CVWidgets. OSCCommands stores a list of devices and commands to disk so the user does not have to rescan every time (s)he restarts SC.


messages you receive from an OSC-device/-program usually consist of the commend-name and one or more slots, containing numerical values. An orientation-sensor might e.g. send a message like the following:

[ '/orientation', 178, 67, 78 ]

the first slot is the command-name and the subsequent slots are x, y and z. oscMsgIndex allows you to select which of those three values you want to use in your widget.


only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


the receiver


Disconnects the OSC-device/-application reps. removes the OSCresponder



only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


the receiver

.midiConnect(uid, chan, num, slot)

Connect a widget to a MIDI-device utilizing a CCResponder.



optional - the ID under which the device gets registered in SuperCollider


optional - the MIDI-channel to which the program will listen


optional - the controller-number to which the program will listen


only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


the receiver


Terminate a MIDi-connection reps. remove the CCResponder.



only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


the receiver

.setOscInputConstraints(constraintsHiLo, slot)

Any widget has a mechanism built in that is supposed to detect the constraints of the values coming in via OSC. However, you my set these constraints manually as well with this method.



a Point - e.g. Point(-20, 20) or 0@360


only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


the receiver


Get the current oscInputConstraints. This will return nil as the widget is not connected and the calibration-mechanism hasn't set any values.



only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D or a CVWidgetMS - either \lo or \hi (CVWidget2D) or an integer index (CVWidgetMS)


nil or an Event containing the constraints in the keys \lo and \hi (not related to the \lo and \hi keys in a CVWidget2D)

.addAction(name, action, slot, active: true)

Add an action to the widget's CV.

See also the related class method CVCenter: *addActionAt



a Symbol or a String, representing the name under which the action will be stored


a Function or a String that compiles to one if interpret is called on it. If the function contains an argument the CV will be provided in this argument: { |cv| "the CV's current value is %\n".postf(cv.value) }


only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D - either \lo or \hi


a Boolean, indicating whether the action shall become active immediatly


the receiver

.removeAction(name, slot)

Remove an action given by its name



a Symbol or a String, representing the action's name


only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D - either \lo or \hi


the receiver

.activateAction(name, activate: true, slot)

Activate or deactivate a stored action



a Symbol or a String, representing the action's name


a Boolean, indicating whether the action shall be activated or deactivated


only needed if the widget is a CVWidget2D - either \lo or \hi


the receiver

Models and Controllers, internal bookkeeping


CVWidgets are designed in an MVC-architecture (MVC = "model - view - controller"). Any time a new CVWidget gets instantiated the models get initialized. Any time the model is changed the function in the regarding controller gets invoked.

WARNING: Do not try to change the models directly, e.g. by doing something like

myWidget.wdgtControllersAndModels.someModel = someValue

Models are designed for internal bookkeeping and all methods within CVWidget are supposed to do the right thing with them.

All models and controllers are stored within the wdgtControllersAndModels instance-var. If the widget is a CVWidget2D wdgtControllersAndModels will be split up in a \lo and a \hi slot, each containing the following models ( CVWidgetKnob simply keeps them under wdgtControllersAndModels):

the current calibration-state as set with -setCalibrate - either Ref(true) (default at initialization) or Ref(false).
the CV's current spec as set at initialization or with setSpec - a Ref to a ControlSpec.
the current input-range, set by the widget's input mechanism with setInputRange - default at initialization: Ref([0.0001, 0.0001]).
the current OSC-connection (if present): Ref([<IP-address>, <port>, <command-name>, <message-index>]). If no connection is present it will be Ref(false).
stores all OSC-related visual properties of a widget and its editor. A Ref to an Event, containing the following slots:
  • but: the state of the OSC-button ("edit OSC")
  • ipField: the IP-field under the OSC-tab of the editor (see CVWidgetEditor)
  • portField: the port-field under the OSC-tab of the editor (see CVWidgetEditor)
  • nameField: the field for the OSC-command-name under the OSC-tab of the editor (see CVWidgetEditor)
  • index: the field for the message-index under the OSC-tab of the editor (see CVWidgetEditor)
  • connectorButVal: the value of the connect-button under the OSC-tab of the editor connectorButVal (see CVWidgetEditor)
  • editEnabled: if a connection is established editor-fields will be made uneditable and this slot is set to false

the currentMIDI-connection (if present): Ref((src\: <val>, chan\: <val>, num\: <val>)). If no connection is present this will be: Ref(nil).
stores all MIDI-related visual properties of a widget and its editor. A Ref to an Event, containing the following slots:
  • learn: the current state of the 'learn'-button of the widget and the 'learn'-button under the MIDI-tab of the editor
  • src: the current string of the 'src'-field of the widget and the 'src'-field under the MIDI-tab of the editor (the ID under which the device gets registered in SC)
  • chan: the current string of the 'chan'-field of the widget and the 'chan'-field under the MIDI-tab of the editor (the MIDI-channel)
  • ctrl: the current string of the 'ctrl'-field of the widget and the 'ctrl'-field under the MIDI-tab of the editor (the controller-number of the device)

the current MIDI-setup, analogue to -setup:

a CV, containing the spec [-inf, inf].asSpec and oscInputRange.model.value[0] as value
a CV, containing the spec [-inf, inf].asSpec and oscInputRange.model.value[1] as value
a Ref to an Event: Ref((numActions\: <val>, activeActions\: <val>)). This model reflects the number of actions resp. active actions as displayed in the 'actions'-button of the widget.


an Event


Get the current MIDI-/OSC-environment of the widget. If the widget is a CVWidget2D calling this method will return an Event containing the environments in 2 slots: \lo and \hi, else the environment will be returned:

input- to output-mapping of the values coming from the OSCresponder\: either \linlin, \linexp, \explin or \expexp (see also: -setOscMapping). By default the entry will be \linlin.
if an OSCresponder is present this will reflect the index of the message at which the values are received (see also: -oscConnect).
if an OSCresponder is present this will reflect the current constraints for values coming in via OSC. Usually the constraints are set automatically by the widget's internal calibration-mechanism. However, you may set them manually by -setOscInputConstraints or deactivate the calibration-mechanism by -setCalibrate.
if an if an OSCresponder is present it will be stored under this slot.
if a CCResponder is present it will stored under this slot.


an Event


The widget's CV. If the widget is a CVWidget2D an Event, containing to slots \lo and \hi is returned.


either a CV ( CVWidgetKnob) or an Event ( CVWidget2D)


.wdgtActions = value

All actions (active and inactive) specified for the given widget.

WARNING: Though this has to be a setter/getter for some reason. Do not attempt to set an action like myWidget.wdgtActions_(some action). Rather use -addAction, -removeAction resp. -activateAction


an Event, containing active and inactive actions of a widget.


If \explin or \expexp has been chosen for input to output mapping with -setOscMapping both constraints of the input-range have to be same-signed - otherwise the operation would produce NaNs. alwaysPositive will be calculated automatically, so the user shouldn't have to worry about it.


the receiver

Extending the API

WARNING: The following features are experimental and one should study the internal workings of CVWidget closely before using them - especially the structure of controllers and models: -wdgtControllersAndModels.

Within a CVWidget the functionality of most of its methods is implemented within a MVC-paradigm (model-view-controller) which means that rather than executing an action within a method directly the method updates a model (an object keeping some data) and triggers the controller via a 'changed'-message (non-working example-code):


When the 'changed'-message is sent the controller will execute its action. By default there is only one key specified: \default (see -synchKeys). However, it is possible to extend the functionality of a controller with one or more custom key/function pairs which means one can sync custom-guis and its elements to a given CVWidget (e.g. a button in some GUI cannot only connect MIDI or OSC but can also immediatly reflect the current connection-status). Have a look at the examples-section for a simple example. Extending the API in the suggested way should keep the CVWidget-functionality unobstrusive!

A slightly more practical (but also more complex) example: Edit an OSC-connection.

.extend(key, func ... controllers)

adds a custom function to one or all of the widget's internal SimpleControllers. These can also keep references to user-defined GUIs resp. their elements, thus allowing the user to synch his/her GUIs with CVWidgets.



a Symbol or a String - mandatory, used internally by the widget's SimpleControllers


a Function - mandatory. A custom function, extending the widget's resp. your custom GUI's functionality. The user may pass the content of the model, the key and more to the function if they are stated as arguments at the beginning of the function. See the SimpleController-helpfile for more info.

... controllers

Controllers, given as Symbols or Strings. A CVWidget contains several models and controllers, contained in -wdgtControllersAndModels. If no specific controllers are given the function will be added to all controllers within -wdgtControllersAndModels. If one or more specific controllers are provided the function will only be added to these controllers which might make calculations a bit cheaper. However, if the user provides a specific controller (s)he should know under which circumstances the given controller is being triggered in order to get the desired result.


the receiver


removes user-defined functions that have been added to the widget's inbuilt SimpleControllers.



a Symbol or a String - indicating which function shall be removed. Will not touch the default functionality of a CVWidget. If no key is given all functions added by the user will be removed.


the receiver


an Array of Symbols, keeping the keys over which a SimpleController within a CVWidget will iterate. By default it is [ \default ]. The user should not alter this directly as adding and removing keys is handled within -extend resp. -reduce.


an Array of Symbols

GUI properties and methods

optional - CVWidget implements a few GUI-elements that are common to CVWidgetKnob as well as CVWidget2D. Descriptions of the rest of the elements can be found in the documentation for the regarding classes.


The window containing the widget



An Event containing certain elements of the GUI.


an Event


CVWidgets cannot gain focus themselves. However, their elements (buttons, slider, textfields etc.) can. focusElements returns a collection of elements which, when focused (indicated by the green border), function as the widget's shortcut transmitters.


an Array of GUI elements


CVWidgetMS only.


an Array of CVs after applying the method split on a given CVWidgetMS.


Sends the widget's window to front.


the receiver


.editor = value

Every widget has one or more editors that will open in a new window ( CVWidgetKnob 1 editor, CVWidget2D 2 editors - \lo and \hi). This method returns a reference to them.


a CVWidgetEditor or an Event, containing a reference to 2 or more CVWidgetEditors


Get the name of a widget. This corresponds with the key under which the widget's CV(s) is/are stored in CVCenter: *all.



Get the parent view of a CVWidget


a Window or a View resp. a subclass of it


A CompositeView upon which all other elements of the GUI will be placed



A button, containing the name of the widget. When clicked the widget will switch to a TextView that can be used to write down notices.



A TextView that can be used to write down notices.



Toggles between nameField and the regular widget-appearance.



a Boolean


the receiver

.connectGUI(connectSlider: true, connectTextField: true)

Determine whether sliders and number/textfields CV shall update according to the value of the internal CV. This may be useful especially if many CVs (e.g. within CVCenter) are updated simultaniously at a high rate as that will cause a high CPU load and the GUI may quickly freeze.



a Boolean (optional), determining whether the CVWidget's sliders/knob shall update to the value of the internal CV


a Boolean (optional), determining whether the CVWidget's number-/textfield shall update to the value of the internal CV


the receiver


.widgetXY = point

Sets/gets the XY-position of a widget within its parent window.



a Point



Returns the width/height of a widget as Point.



Returns the bounds of a widget as Rect.


a Rect


Removes all GUI-elements (buttons, text-fields, sliders etc.) from a widget.


the receiver


If the widget is part of the CVCenter-GUI all its elements will be removed, otherwise close the widget.


the receiver



a Boolean, indicating whether the given CVWidget is part of CVCenter



true if the widget has been closed, otherwise false

Inherited instance methods

Undocumented instance methods


.debugActionsControl = value


.debugCalibration = value


.debugMidiConnect = value


.debugMidiDisplay = value


.debugMidiOptions = value


.debugOscConnection = value


.debugOscDisplay = value


.debugOscInputRange = value


.debugSlidersTextConnection = value


.debugSpecControl = value



.rawOscInput = value



basic usage

reusable widgets

By default windows created in SC lack the ability to be opened again once they're closed (even evaluating the variable under which the window has been created will still return the window). The following section describes a workaround in CVWidget (resp. CVWidgetKnob and CVWidget2D) that enables the user to keep a widget's responders and open and close it as many times as the user needs to ( open is implemented in CVWidgetKnob and CVWidget2D).


When CVWidgets get created within CVCenter GUI a number of shortcuts apply after a widget has gained focus (i.e. rather than the widget itself one of its GUI-elements gained focus which will be indicated by a green border around the regarding element).

NOTE: All shortcuts are configurable by the user. Handling shortcuts is basically handled by a class named KeyDownActions. They can be altered (actions as well as the action-triggering key-combinations), removed or new shortcuts can be added. This can be done manually by editing *shortcuts (not recommended) or using the KeyDownActionsEditor in the preferences-interface (persistent) or editing short-term shortcuts in the shortcuts-editor (shortcuts will be valid until next recompilation of the class-library). However, this is still an experimental feature. Especially in detached tabs shortcuts may not work as expected

alt arrow right
Select next widget in alphabetical order
alt arrow left
Select previous widget in alphabetical order
Open the CVWidgetEitor of the focused widget and focus its Specs-tab
Open the CVWidgetEitor of the focused widget and focus its MIDI-tab
Open the CVWidgetEitor of the focused widget and focus its OSC-tab
Open the CVWidgetEitor of the focused widget and focus its Actions-tab
Start or stop OSC calibration
Reset and restart OSC calibration
Move focus from the currently focused widget back to the containing view in the CVCenter GUI