Classes (extension) | GUI > Views

TabbedViewTab : SCViewHolder : Object

A Tab held by a TabbedView2


WARNING: You never instantiate a TabbedViewTab directly, but rather use TabbedView2.add to add it to the parent view and get a reference to the tab. However, once you have the reference, you can use it like a CompositeView or a ScrollView, plus you can configure all kinds of options, and override TabbedView2 defaults.

Version and Author

version: 1.05 , Oct 28, 2016 author: Jost Muxfeldt

Class Methods

NOTE: Instantiate by using

TabbedView2: -add


TabbedView2: -insert

Inherited class methods

Instance Methods



.widget = value


the UserView which draws the widget


.label = value

The tab label text


returns the index of this tab



focus this tab


delete this tab from parent


.onRemove = value

a Function to be performed on remove: {arg thisView; do stuff }


.onChangeParent = value

a Function to be performed right before detach or on dragging to another view: {arg thisView; do stuff...}.


.onAfterChangeParent = value

a Function to be performed right after detach or on dragging to another view: {arg thisView; do stuff...}.

Customize Colors

NOTE: These methods override the defaults in TabbedView2.

See TabbedView2: Setting Colors


.labelColor = value


.unfocusedColor = value


.stringColor = value


.stringFocusedColor = value


.background = b

From superclass: SCViewHolder

Customize Appearance


.useDetachIcon = boolen: true

boolean. default false. Add an icon for detaching the view ( Qt GUI only)


.tabWidth = int

set with \auto or and integer


.userDrawFunction = value

adds your function to the user draw function. Add an icon if something is happening in the tab, for example

Customize Behavior


.rightClickDetach = value

Boolean or Function: {arg thisView; return boolean}. to disable:set to false


.closable = value

Boolean or Function: {arg thisView; return boolean}- add a close icon by setting this to true. If tabWidth is \auto, the width will adjust automatically, but you might have to play with TabbedView2's labelPadding, depending on other settings, like the TabbedView2's Font, or tabHeight, etc.


.focusAction = value

add a focus action to the tab. For example enable a scope you are showing in the tab.


.unfocusAction = value

add an unfocus action to the tab. For example disable a scope you were showing in the tab.


.homeView = value

The TabbedView2 instance to which a detached TabbedViewTab instance will return if its enclosing window is closed. This defaults to the TabbedView2 instnace which created the TabbedViewTab instance (using add).

Inherited instance methods


See TabbedView2: EXAMPLES