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PLbindefParEnvironment : Environment : IdentityDictionary : Dictionary : Set : Collection : Object

Environment made by PLbindefPar to play and set its sources


Instances of this class are made as side effect of PLbindefPar creation, assigned to PLbindefPar's name in an Environment of choice (by default the current one) and used as player interface and to set PLbindef's sources in condensed syntax. They are not thought to be created explicitely though. A PLbindefParEnvironment contains the references to its PLbindefs as Associations of indices to PLbindefEnvironments. See PLbindefPar for examples.

NOTE: For setting, getting, playing, stopping and resetting subsets of PLbindefs in prototyping syntax the class TempPLbindefParEnvironment is involved (see Ex.1 in PLbindefPar's help). The user doesn't need to care about this class, instances are generated implicitely and might occur in the post window.

Class Methods 8, proto, parent, know: true, name, num, plbindefPar, plbindefs)

Creates a new PLbindefParEnvironment object with arguments of IdentityDictionary. In contrast to the latter know defaults to true, which allows setting sources of the PLbindefPar in object prototyping style. name is used for the corresponding key of the PLbindefPar. num is the number of parallel patterns in the PLbindefPar. plbindefPar is the corresponding PLbindefPar, plbindefs might be passed. Normally not be used explicitely.

Inherited class methods

Instance Methods

.put(key, obj)

Associates obj with Symbol key and updates the stored PLbindefEnvironments depending on the class of obj. For a SequenceableCollection items are assigned in the PLbindefEnvironments of corresponding indices (method 'wrapAt' is used for handling cases of smaller collections). Other types of passed objects are assigned in all PLbindefEnvironments.

.superPut(key, obj)

Associates obj with Symbol key mimicing IdentityDictionary: -put.

.value( ... args)

Expects key/value pairs and applies put. Optionally the first arg can be an Integer or a collection of Integers, specifying the PLbindefs to be set.


Getter for PLbindefPar's number of parallel PLbindefs.


Getter for PLbindefPar's key.


Getter for the corrresponding PLbindefPar.


For Integers it works as IdentityDictionary: -at, for SequenceableCollections of Integers it enables setting and getting as well as playing, stopping, resetting and clearing of sources of corresponding PLbindefs by using a TempPLbindefParEnvironment (see Ex.1 in PLbindefPar's help).

.play(clock, protoEvent, quant, doReset: false)

Plays all PLbindefs of the corresponding PLbindefPar with passed arguments.


Resets all PLbindefs of the corresponding PLbindefPar.


Stops all PLbindefs of the corresponding PLbindefPar.


Clears all PLbindefs of the corresponding PLbindefPar and delete references to sourceEnvir and refEnvir.


Removes the corresponding PLbindefPar and all related PLbindefs from the global entry, delete references to sourceEnvir and refEnvir.


Returns corresponding PLbindefs.


Returns corresponding PLbindefEnvironments.

Inherited instance methods