Classes (extension) | Libraries > JITLib

ProxyChainGui : JITGui : Object

a gui for ProxyChain
Subclasses: MasterFXGui


A Gui class for ProxyChain. For more example uses, see ProxyChain.

Class Methods, numItems: 16, parent, bounds, makeSkip: true, options)

create a gui for the proxyChain given, with space for <numItems> parameters; parents and bounds for gui placement, makeSkip flag; and options to create extra buttons on left side., numItems: 16, parent, bounds, makeSkip: true, options)

make a new ProxyCHainGui.

Inherited class methods

Instance Methods


.chain = chain

the proxychain


the CompositeView where the buttons live


the NdefGui built into the view


all left-hand buttons for turning nodes on and off


all left-hand buttons which turn nodes on and off

Inherited instance methods

Undocumented instance methods


