Classes | HelpSystem

SCDocEntry : Object

An SCDoc document index entry


This class is used by SCDoc to represent a document in the help file index.

The document represented can be either a real .schelp file, or an auto-generated stub for undocumented classes.

Class Methods, path)

Create and initialize a new instance.



An SCDocNode instance. Does not have to be a fully parsed document, since only the header tags, methods and keywords are used. (See SCDoc: *parseFileMetaData).


A String for the document key, like "Classes/SinOsc".


Create and initialize a new instance for an undocumented class.



Name of undocumented class

Inherited class methods

Instance Methods

Document properties


.path = value

A String for the document key, like "Reference/SCDocSyntax".


.title = value

Document title. Should equal the classname for class reference docs.


.summary = value

Document summary.


.categories = value

Document categories. An Array of Strings.


.related = value

Related document links. An Array of Strings.


.keywords = value

Keywords listed in the document. An Array of Strings.


.fullPath = value

The full path to this documents .schelp file, if any.


.mtime = value

The modification time of the .schelp file, if any.


The render destination path.


.docmethods = value

Documented methods which are not class or instance methods. An Array of Strings.


.additions = value

A list of document additions (*.ext.schelp) for this document. An Array of Strings.


.isExtension = value

True if this document is an extension (not part of the main library). A Boolean


.isClassDoc = value

True if this document is a class doc. A Boolean

Class docs

These methods and properties are only used for class docs.


.klass = value

The Class documented.


.isUndocumentedClass = value

True if this class is undocumented (which means there are no .schelp file). A Boolean


.doccmethods = value

A list of documented class methods.


.docimethods = value

A list of documented instance methods.


.privcmethods = value

A list of private class methods.


.privimethods = value

A list of private instance methods.


.undoccmethods = value

A list of undocumented class methods.


.undocimethods = value

A list of undocumented instance methods.


Return a list of strings for all non-private methods, prefixed with xy where x is _ for documented methods and ? for undocumented methods, and y is * for class methods, - for instance methods and . for other/generic methods.


.redirect = value

The name of the class variable holding the implementing class. Used by GUI redirection system, for example.


.implKlass = value

The implementing Class, if redirect was set.


.implements = value

The Class being implemented. For example, the entry for QButton has this set to Button


Write a representation of this document entry as JSON to Stream. Used to export the document entries to the javascript used in the HTML help browser.



A Stream.

Inherited instance methods

Undocumented instance methods


.oldHelp = value