kitchen studies:
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kitchen studies

source code of the corresponding fixed media piece


In 2016 my interest in granular synthesis was focussed on the potential of sequencing arbitrary effects and effect graphs on single grains. This is an application of the class PbindFx, which I added with miSCellaneous v0.14. As the possibilities are countless – an arbitrary number of effects can be applied on each grain in an arbitrary way: in sequence, in parallel or in any graph order – I started experiments with combinations of at most two effects and sequencing their parameters. At the same time I wanted to share my experiences and document what I was encountering while composing a piece of music. I thought the best approach for that twofold need would be a sequence of small pieces in once, each of them using different effect processings per grain. A piece of such form would not be totally typical for my usual compositional practice, as I tend to favour longer forms with a few contrasting types of material combined in a developing relation, but nevertheless an interesting challenge. As a sound source I took the kitchen sound of five seconds which is already contained in miSCellaneous lib since version 0.7 and used for examples in the Buffer Granulation tutorial.

For the fixed media piece kitchen studies the audio, resulting from the six sections of code below, has only been cut and slightly mastered with a bit of equalization (as many random components are included, the output will of course vary from one evaluation to the next). Each code section delivers a mixed control by gui (VarGui) and code snippets (Patterns), which reflects my personal experimental preferences with the concerned sounds and might serve as a starting point for the reader's experiments and modifications. Compressed versions of the original piece as a whole and its parts can be found on my website (use a separate browser, players won't work within this window), a further documentation of the compositional process will follow as publication in the artistic research database Research Catalogue (

  1. Be careful with amplitudes, especially with buffers you haven't granulated before! Also keep in mind that a granular cloud moving through a buffer can suddenly become louder – this is especially the case with the one percussive sound contained in the used kitchen source sound. Moreover other controls than amp (e.g. buffer position, trigger rate, effect parameters) can cause a raise of amplitude too.
  2. I haven't used below setups for live performances. Although all of them work stable for me as they are, in general hangs can occasionally happen with pattern-driven setups. Often this can be tracked down to sequences of extremely short event durations (and/or long grain durations). Where this can happen as a side-effect, thresholds can be built in (e.g. a parameter maxTrigRate). Another possible source of hangs is careless deep nesting of Patterns where mistakes can easily occur. Starting with clear Pattern structures is recommended – and if more complications are involved: testing without sound first after saving your patch (generating data with a single Stream derived from a Pattern), might be a good idea.



NOTE: Common features of dedicated VarGuis

The slider section always contains two blocks, the lower one is for parameters of the buffer position synth and the upper one is for parameters of the PbindFx. Within the lower block the relative buffer position is determined by parameters 'posLo' and 'posHi'. As the percussive event within the the loaded kitchen sound appears around position 0.3, most position defaults describe a relatively small section around this value. The deviation of position as well as the rate of movement through the buffer are determined by a mantissa-exponent representation each. Finally four types of movement are defined: 0 = forward, 1 = backward, 2 = forward and backward, 3 = random with cubic interpolation.

Within the upper block there are two or three differently colored sections, separating controls of source and effects (one or two). PbindFx parameters can be directly passed to the source grain player synths (such a 'amp'), but they might also be used to process the actual synth args, e.g. 'absEnv' determines if parameters 'att' and 'rel' are to be taken literally or relative with respect to an "absolute" 'overlap' value (see pseudo method 'attRel' above), this kind of processing is defined within the PbindFx. Not all parameters need to occur in the VarGui instance, they might also be controlled by PL pattern proxies, in that case the pattern sources are defined in topEnvironment later on.

Amplitude parameters 'amp' occur with grain synths as well as with effect synths, in the latter case they appear with the fx name as suffix in the gui. Their meaning is not the same in all cases, mostly they are understood as amplitudes of the fx-processed signal ("pre-mix"), but they can be applied to the mix too ("post-mix"). In the case of a combined fx/no-fx sequencing a more fine-tuned amplitude control can be achieved with applying a separate gain fx, which is used instead of no effect. For the the sake of clarity this is only done within the last part.

The EventStreamPlayer derived from the PbindFx (e0 on the right side) and the buffer position synth can be started separately by pressing the green buttons. Note that patches can also be controlled by setting certain PL proxy pattern sources as shown at the bottom of part 1. Regarding the compositional process of kitchen studies, the final sounding result very much depends on the decision which parameters are controlled by pattern sequencing and which ones are controlled by gui-tunable parameters. Such decisions happened during a long process of experimenting which usually started with gui control for all parameters. However for the final version no live-control with sliders has been recorded, parameters were either fixed or algorithmically controlled by patterns.


Part 1 – comb delay plus separate delay modulation

Part 2 – rectangular comb (FFT)

Part 3 – resampling

Part 4 – spectral complements (FFT)

Part 5 – frequency shift with feedback

Part 6 – band pass