“Ein Konzert für Fische und Menschen” – underwater feedback soundsystem, free Improvisation, at “Dronaukanal”, Centralgarden, Vienna. With MS Mutt and Lucas Henao Serna
“Haus, Hans, Haar” – Live performance at “Der Salon”, Vienna
Workshop within the project “Post-Normal Sound Mapping “, Wienwoche 2021 (Festival), Vienna
Vienna Improvisers Orchestra, Seestadt, Vienna
“ICH WERDE NICHT DULDEN, DASS IHR MICH ALLEINE LASST”, Notgalerie, Wien Seestadt; notgalerie.at
Paraflows (festival), audio-visual live performance, solo
Sonic Territories (festival), duo Pa.St, together with Paul Aigner, live performance
“Wideness, Hoovering and the Weight of Existence”, Vienna Improvisers Orchestra
Velak Gala #109 – COIN, duo with Michael Fischer
“Interface I – In my camera” – solo exhibition (painting) at LLLLLL
SFIEMA – free musical improvisation w/ CHRA (Christina Nemec), Paul Aigner and Mia Zabelka
Klangmanifeste 2019 – sound intallation “in the noise of the night and the still of the day”
Free improvisation: Zabelka und Fariello, Nussbaumer; Vekks, Vienna Small Forms session – solo performance, recording; Chateaux Rouge, Vienna
Vienna Improvisers Orchestra, “This Moment in Life”, Schielefest, Maria Anzbach
Jot12 Opening – solo performance, Seestadt, Vienna RARA Festival 2018 – festival for freely imrovised music in Palazzolo Acreide, Sicily, Italy. Several performances in various constellations e.g. together with Michael Fischer and Riccardo Napoli.
RARA pre-opening at Artisti Associati MATT’Officina, Modica, Sicily, Italy
Presentation/lecture at Salon Goldschlag
“Looking at a Room” – an audio-visual live perormance at SFIEMA, Cafe Korb, Vienna
JazzaJ Karambol – BIO meets VIO @Három Holló, Budapest, Hungary
Vienna Improvisers Orchestra XS at 10 years MOOZAK – Steinergasse 8, Vienna
Wavering Worlds #10 – Paul Gründorfer, Stefan Nussbaumer, Michael Fischer; bb15, Linz, Austria
AIR2hEAR #8 – composers’ encounters at Amann Studio, Vienna, Austria MOOZAK #91 – solo performance at Au, Vienna, Austria
“Hin- und Retour 2” – solo performance, Lienz, Austria
Vienna Improvisers Orchestra – concert at Fabrik, Seestadt Wien
Workshop VideOSC/CVCenter/SuperCollider – Seelab, Seestadt, Wien
Vienna Improvisers Orchestra – concert at Künstlerhaus 1050, Vienna
(Korean) colored noise – live performance, Zentrale, Vienna
Seoul International Computer Music Festival 2016 – workshop, presentation; Seoul, South Korea
Momente der Gegenwart – 10 Years Vienna Improvisers Orchestra
eBay’s concept is based on transactions between buyers and sellers – transactions between human beings, not consumers and companies. The eBay-Generator SOFTWARE reflects this concept in a way that it does not only generate your free personal song, the generator itself shall become a free application that any user can install on her/his Computer to produce AN endless stream of bubbling eBay-grooves.The black box will be released as a standalone application published under GNU public licence – written in SuperCollider (sc3).
MercadoLibre is the largest online trading platform in Latin America, market leaders in e-commerce in each of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela (based on unique visitors and page views during 2006).”The Sound of Mercadolibre” transforms mexican Mercadolibre-User account-data (ratings, comments) into unique synthetic mariachi-jazz-songs! The Mercadolibre user-values are represented acoustically, generating a pattern from the signature-data-file. By doing so we choose a swell, affirmative approach towards the Mercadolibre Corporation and its wonderful latin american marketplace.
The Sound of Mercadolibre has been presented as part of TransitionMX Festival, Mexiko City, September 2007
2-months residency at Gryasnaya Galareya (“the dirty gallery”) in Saint Petersburg, Russia
since 2004
electronic algorithmic sound production and composition, mainly using the realtime audi-manipulation environment SuperCollider – live-performances as well as installation works.
“besonnen”, an internet-project in collaboration with Christine and Irene Hohenbüchler
curatorial function at gallery Art & Weise, Vienna
“der letzte Maler”, a 10-minute shortfilm in collaboration with the cameraman Klaus Fuxjäger, Prague
other exhibitions (selection)
“Hin und Retour” – group exhibition, Lienz, Austria
“CsMFMAATSGOIS” – a “perfomance-installation” for PARAFLOWS, the ‘annual convention for digital arts and cultures’, Vienna”Globi-Award” – Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Vienna
“Kunst aus dem Süden Tirols” – Bezirkshauptmannschaft Klosterneuburg
“NetzNetz” – netculture-convention at Künstlerhaus Wien
”Agieren nach dem Tod von Cheibane Wague” (acting after the death of Cheibane Wague) gallery Schloss Damtschach (solo-exhibition)
Stefan Nussbaumer: CV
“Donau Strom – Der Fluss im Instrument, das Instrument im Fluss…” – a performance installation at Central Garden, Vienna. In collaboration with Kal Spelletich. https://pustota.basislager.org/2024/06/27/doonaau-strom/
RARA Festival of Improvised Music and Arts, Palazzolo Acreide, Sicily, Italy – https://www.rarafestival.eu/programme-2024/
Radia Show 1006: shiny reflexions (Wiener Radia Kollektiv) – http://radia.fm/2024/07/show-1006-shiny-reflexions-wiener-radia-kollektiv/
“Reveil 2023” – a contribution to an audio streaming project following the sunrise around the world, http://streams.soundtent.org/2023/streams/utc2_-dc193384-ba93-4b3f-9a38-e616e6f2da47
“Haus, Hans, Haar” – Live performance at “Der Salon”, Vienna
“ICH WERDE NICHT DULDEN, DASS IHR MICH ALLEINE LASST”, Notgalerie, Wien Seestadt; notgalerie.at
Sonic Territories (festival), duo Pa.St, together with Paul Aigner, live performance
“Wideness, Hoovering and the Weight of Existence”, Vienna Improvisers Orchestra
Velak Gala #109 – COIN, duo with Michael Fischer
“Interface I – In my camera” – solo exhibition (painting) at LLLLLL
SFIEMA – free musical improvisation w/ CHRA (Christina Nemec), Paul Aigner and Mia Zabelka
Klangmanifeste 2019 – sound intallation “in the noise of the night and the still of the day”
Small Forms session – solo performance, recording; Chateaux Rouge, Vienna
Vienna Improvisers Orchestra, “This Moment in Life”, Schielefest, Maria Anzbach
Jot12 Opening – solo performance, Seestadt, Vienna
RARA Festival 2018 – festival for freely imrovised music in Palazzolo Acreide, Sicily, Italy. Several performances in various constellations e.g. together with Michael Fischer and Riccardo Napoli.
RARA pre-opening at Artisti Associati MATT’Officina, Modica, Sicily, Italy
Presentation/lecture at Salon Goldschlag
“Looking at a Room” – an audio-visual live perormance at SFIEMA, Cafe Korb, Vienna
Vienna Improvisers Orchestra XS at 10 years MOOZAK – Steinergasse 8, Vienna
Wavering Worlds #10 – Paul Gründorfer, Stefan Nussbaumer, Michael Fischer; bb15, Linz, Austria
AIR2hEAR #8 – composers’ encounters at Amann Studio, Vienna, Austria
MOOZAK #91 – solo performance at Au, Vienna, Austria
“Hin- und Retour 2” – solo performance, Lienz, Austria
Vienna Improvisers Orchestra – concert at Fabrik, Seestadt Wien
Vienna Improvisers Orchestra – concert at Künstlerhaus 1050, Vienna
(Korean) colored noise – live performance, Zentrale, Vienna
Seoul International Computer Music Festival 2016 – workshop, presentation; Seoul, South Korea
SALoTTo VIENNA – solo performance “the Music of Color”, www.salotto-vienna.net, La Musica di Colore
“Velak Export” – solo performance, velak.klingt.org/programm_archiev/export_02.html
“The City Breathing” – an installation/performance at Masc Foundation, Grundsteingasse, Vienna during the opening of “Road to Nowhere” (festival) – the installation was built using SuperCollider. Code can be found at sccode.org
“New Ways of Jazz” – live-improvistion together with Michael Fischer, Ofir Klemperer, Ángel Faraldo (all together = “COIN”), Zaal 100, Amsterdam – http://www.trytone.org
6. Burgenländische Tanztage – live-improvisation together with Michael Fischer and 4 dancers, Offenes Haus Oberwart; led by Liz King
The Sound of eBay
eBay’s concept is based on transactions between buyers and sellers – transactions between human beings, not consumers and companies. The eBay-Generator SOFTWARE reflects this concept in a way that it does not only generate your free personal song, the generator itself shall become a free application that any user can install on her/his Computer to produce AN endless stream of bubbling eBay-grooves.The black box will be released as a standalone application published under GNU public licence – written in SuperCollider (sc3).
The Sound of eBay has been presented as part of Recontres Internationales, Madrid, May 2008.
Further exhibitions and public viewings
a project by and for UBERMORGEN.COM
The Sound of Mercadolibre
MercadoLibre is the largest online trading platform in Latin America, market leaders in e-commerce in each of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela (based on unique visitors and page views during 2006).”The Sound of Mercadolibre” transforms mexican Mercadolibre-User account-data (ratings, comments) into unique synthetic mariachi-jazz-songs! The Mercadolibre user-values are represented acoustically, generating a pattern from the signature-data-file. By doing so we choose a swell, affirmative approach towards the Mercadolibre Corporation and its wonderful latin american marketplace.
The Sound of Mercadolibre has been presented as part of TransitionMX Festival, Mexiko City, September 2007
a project by and for UBERMORGEN.COM
2-months residency at Gryasnaya Galareya (“the dirty gallery”) in Saint Petersburg, Russia
curatorial function at gallery Art & Weise, Vienna
other exhibitions (selection)
”Agieren nach dem Tod von Cheibane Wague” (acting after the death of Cheibane Wague)
gallery Schloss Damtschach (solo-exhibition)
”Ar | chi | tek | tur”, gallery Gaudens Pedit, Lienz