It’s already quite some time ago since I last posted my work with VideOSC, the OSC controller for Android that allows you to control digitally generated sound or other media through the color information retrieved from the device’ inbuilt camera. I haven’t been lazy or […]
Category Archives: VideOSC
Out now: VideOSC 1.1
When I first thought about VideOSC sensors were the least thing that I had in mind. Why sensors when you get so much information from the visual side anyway? Well, whatever, almost the first user request I got when releasing VideOSC for the first time […]
VideOSC – a (slightly un-planned) next alpha
Some of you who are reading these lines will possibly already have taken notice of my long-term amateur project VideOSC – an application for the Android mobile platform that allows experimentally-minded users to control music (or other media) through the color information coming from their […]